HomeTips for creating a net zero marketing strategy

Tips for creating a net zero marketing strategy

Businesses today face a range of ethical and moral issues, one of which is their role in addressing climate change. With the UK government aiming for net zero by 2050, many companies are now working on strategies to reduce their emissions.

As consumers become more environmentally conscious, sharing your green credentials can be a great way to attract those with similar values. This blog post will share tips for creating a net zero marketing strategy, covering:

  • What is net zero and why is it important?
  • Why sharing your net zero initiatives is good for business
  • What to consider when creating a net zero marketing strategy

What is net zero and why is it important?

Net zero is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced and the amount taken out of the atmosphere. We reach net zero when the CO2 we add is no more than the amount taken away.

In simplistic terms, businesses can achieve net zero by:

1. Reducing emissions, including across the supply chain.

2. Neutralising emissions that cannot be eliminated by purchasing carbon offsets.

Including your supply chain in emissions reductions is crucial. Without it, a business could just outsource everything, switch to LED lights, and claim they’re green. But this is greenwashing. It harms your corporate reputation, staff retention, sales growth, and overall sustainability.

Why is net zero so important?

The World Meteorological Organisation recently reported that the world experienced the warmest April on record. It marked the 11th consecutive month of record global temperatures. Europe, the fastest warming continent saw the smallest April snow cover ever recorded. This warming leads to extreme weather like heat, drought, wildfires, and flooding.

By reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero we can help cool global temperatures.

Why sharing your net zero initiatives is good for business

Working towards net zero emissions requires a strategic look at your entire business. This can have direct financial benefits, including:

  • Reduced operational costs
  • Lower energy bills
  • Resilience against external market influences
  • Improved efficiency
  • Futureproofing your business

Consumers’ growing awareness of climate change affects their purchasing behaviour. Deloitte’s 2023 Sustainable Consumer report shows that a business’s commitment to sustainability influences consumer trust. A third of consumers said trust would improve if brands were recognised as ethical/sustainable by an independent third party.

Sharing your net zero efforts can directly influence customer trust and loyalty. The benefits of including sustainability initiatives in your marketing strategy include:

  • Improved brand reputation
  • Building trust and loyalty
  • Gaining new customers
  • Accessing new markets with environmentally conscious customers
  • Attracting investment
  • Meeting consumer expectations for eco-friendly products and services
  • Recruiting and retaining top employees
  • Gaining a competitive advantage
  • Connecting with customers who share similar values

Read: How sharing your net zero strategy can boost your marketing

What to consider when creating a net zero marketing strategy

Consumers want to know what companies are doing to help the environment and will often check before buying. So, it makes sense to include your net zero efforts in your marketing strategy. But avoid greenwashing and ensure your messaging is accurate.

Here are some tips:

1. Be honest and accurate

Always share the truth about your efforts and back up any claims. Define what you mean by terms like “green” or “sustainable” to avoid confusion.

2. Share your challenges

Discuss the net zero obstacles you’ve faced and how you’ve overcome them. This humanises your brand and can inspire others facing similar issues.

3. Share the why behind the what

Explain why you’re working towards net zero, not just what you’re doing. This creates a connection and builds trust.

4. Avoid being preachy

Not everyone is on board with climate change initiatives. Acknowledge that some businesses may struggle to invest in these efforts. Remember, every little helps!

5. Share details of awards and certificates

Awards and certification like B-Corp build trust and show a commitment to sustainability. The can also help you connect with other green businesses.

Read: Why sustainable strategies are the path to competitive advantage

Read: The Power of building a green business network

In summary

Climate change is a global problem, needing global solutions. While emissions are decreasing in Europe and USA they are increasing in many developing countries. Although the UK contributes to just 1% of global emissions (2021), every effort counts. Sharing your company’s work towards net zero can boost your reputation and grow customer loyalty.

To learn more about how you can get net zero support in Barnsley for your business:

Email: ksteel@BarnsleyBIC.co.uk

Phone: 01226 249 590

Further net zero reading on our blog:

10 easy ways for your business to go green in 2023

Why sustainable strategies are the path to competitive advantage

How sharing your net zero strategy can boost your marketing

The Power of building a green business network

The benefit of using a customer-focused approach to green innovation

About Net Zero Barnsley

To find out more and sign up for support visit Net Zero Barnsley.

The Business Village is delivering the Net Zero Barnsley programme, in partnership with Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (BMBC), as part of the Low Carbon Project, part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Sheffield City Council is the accountable body for the South Yorkshire region. The Low Carbon project has received £3,445,606 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus