HomeCase Studies

Net Zero Case Studies

The people and the innovative companies and organisations that have participated in the Net Zero Barnsley Project… dive into their stories below.

Net Zero

How BPL Hillies Golf are pushing for Net Zero by 2040

Currently producing 2000 tonnes of carbon, BPL Hillies Golf have begun their sustainable journey, hoping to become Net Zero by 2024.

Net Zero

Building a sustainable future at The Business Village

Net Zero

How Delta Adhesives reduced their energy costs by 70%

Net Zero

Building a sustainable future at GBAC

Net Zero

How Bartec Auto ID devised new Net Zero, sustainable strategies

Net Zero

How Two Gates Fisheries reduced their gas bill by 50%…

Net Zero

How Whitcher Wildlife’s passion for nature safeguards wildlife

Net Zero

RSP Properties, building a greener future…

Net Zero

Thurgoland Village Hall

Net Zero

Flooring company turns attention to roof to slash energy costs

Net Zero

How Net Zero Barnsley is helping Fashion Toolbox develop sustainable practises

Net Zero

Glass Onion Vintage video case study

Net Zero

White’s Bakery video case study

Net Zero

Northern College video case study

Net Zero

Sonelli Hair and Beauty Products video case study

Net Zero

The Business Village video case study

Net Zero

The Home of Net Zero in Barnsley

Net Zero

Barnsley accountancy practice setting the bar for net zero

Net Zero

Quality furniture that doesn’t cost the Earth!

Net Zero

Barnsley business joins Net Zero Accelerator on quest to become world’s most sustainable marketing agency

Net Zero

Business Village Net Zero Accelerator helps business develop market leading environmental initiatives

Net Zero

Flexible pipe couplings company recruits new employee to help reduce carbon emissions

Net Zero

Third generation Barnsley baker protects the environment